Imagination is a law of physics

The energy Tesla spoke about and Hugh Everett’s “pre space, “Planck’s place beyond time space, David Bohm’s super Implicate Order, is the energy of your imagination. The electricity of your brain at delta, theta, alpha and beta phase sync with this space carrying information packets that unfold in the memory of your mind.

The more focused one is the less they can phase sync with this Energy that is the Imagination. Stay open with no focus and let the NEW unfold in the memory of your Now.

Your imagination is this Infinite energy that is a law of physics. There’s more energy there than all the power in universe to the trillionth power.

We evolve because our memory of yesterday is fusing with our imagination of tomorrow.

People with positive imaginations and people negative imaginations live in different worlds. This is because the memory is viewed as fundamental and the imagination illusion.

When in actuality the imagination is this infinite Energy that cater’s to the memory with storage and altruistic love and support.

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